Saturday, August 28, 2010

"Japan" Maps

Ryu'shima (Dragon Island)

Yamashi (Mountain Island)

(No name)

I spent the day making use of Google Translator to give the islands and towns actual Japanese names. Admittedly I fudged things a bit in places - and I'm sure I screwed up a few others since I don't have any idea how Japanese grammar and sentence structure work.

I haven't renamed the western island yet because I can't find anything that I feel suits it.

The key is as follows: RED dot = temple, BLACK dot = town/city, BLACK square = fortress/castle

Once I have the maps complete (or at least to minimal satisfaction/capabilities) I will add a few notes to the workings of the world. I still haven't decided if these landmasses will comprise the whole world or just be a portion. On the smaller scale I reckon them at a 1cm:10 miles ratio - that's printed on standard 8.5 x 11 paper.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Knick knack paddy whack, throw a geek a bone

I just stumbled across a veritable treasure trove of talent and inspiration! And by "just" I mean yesterday afternoon and I've been perusing it ever since. Check this out:

I was Google-ing images of leather armor and came across this great pencil I clicked it and was taken to the above site. The long list of clip art and other related links are jam packed with the incredible artistic talent of one Todd Jordan 'Greywolf' Peacock. What a fantastic resource!

I have spent hours and hours going through the site and viewing every pic I can find. I have already written a few pages of story based solely on the drawings of: scroll-eye.jpg and hat-floppy.jpg

I mucho highly recommend taking a peek, or really long gander at this wonderful site. I guaran-damn-tee that you'll find something you like, and next thing you know inspiration will strike like lightning and you'll be pounding the compie keys or scribbling furiously in your sketchpad. Kara, you may sling watercolor whilst Shelley sews maniacally :) Kara I'm sure you'll give it a much deserved "Zowie!" will be very sweet...and probably make some strange Aussie exclamation that I've never heard before :)